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Gym for All

AGS offers Gymnastics classes that are fun, filled with fitness and friendship. Classes involve exercises that challenge your strength, flexibility, coordination and balance.



Adult GymFit:​


Offering up to two 1 hour classes per week. These classes are focused on providing opportunities for learning specific gymnastic skills such as developing handstands and cartwheels.  


Classes are structured and involve a gymnastics based warm up, core strengthening activities, general stretching and strengthening, and finish with gymnastics skill learning or creative routine making to put gymnastics skills into action.


Join a class to learn gymnastics fundamentals.



General Gymnastics Strength & Fitness:


Offering up to three 30 - 45 minute classes per week. These classes are focused on general mobility, coordination, strength, and balance.


Classes are structured and involve a gymnastics based warm up, general movement activities and core strengthening.


Join a class to develop and improve your strength, coordination and fitness. 


Come and Try! Click now to register your details.






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